Donate Today
Why Donate?
Although tax dollars fund services in Baker County, there are some things that need community support to truly thrive. Those things might be improvements for our children's recreational facilities, community improvement projects, or how we provide for animals in our care.
Is My Donation Tax Deductible?
Actually, YES! Charitable contributions to governmental units are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code if made for a public purpose. After you submit your donation you will be provided with a PDF letter that you may print out or save for use on your tax return. Please note, however; we will not send you anything in the mail or email and if you make multiple donations in the same year we will not provide you with a summary at the end of the year, you should keep each PDF letter to provide proof of your tax deductible donation for the IRS.
Can I Contribute To A Specific Cause?
You can have your contribution placed into certain funds. If you're interest is the health and wellbeing of animals you can apply your contribution to the "Animal Welfare" fund. Maybe you would like to help improve the recreational offerings in Baker County, you can apply your contribution to the "Parks & Recreation" fund. There are other funds available also, just click on the drop-down box next to "Fund" and select the section of government you would like to donate to. Your donation will only be used for the purpose that you select.
Do I Have To Provide My Information?
You may donate anonymously if you wish, none of the demographic fields in the form on the right are required, only the "Fund" and "Amount" fields are required to be filled out. Even if you chose to donate anonymously you will still be provided with a tax-deductible acknowledgment letter that you may use when filing your taxes. If you are a business and would like to make a charitable contribution you may either do so anonymously or provide the business name in the "Business Name" field. All debit and credit cards are accepted and processed through a secure PayPal server.
Full Name
Business Name
Zip Code
Dollar Amount