County Commissioners
County Commissioner District 1
County Commissioner District 2
County Commissioner District 3
County Commissioner District 4
County Commissioner District 5
Mission Statement
The Board of County Commissioners is a five member board elected to
represent the citizens of Baker County. Each member represents a
district, but is elected Countywide. The commission establishes
policies and appoints a County Administrator to implement the
policies and manage the operation of the County. The Commission
adopts the millage rate annually and approves the budget, which
determines the expenditures and revenue necessary to operate all
County Departments. The powers and duties of the County Commission
are established by
Florida Statutes, Chapter 125.
New District Map
There are new district boundaries. View the new district map.
County Commission Meetings
The Board of County Commissioners meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
each month at 5:00pm. All persons attending a meeting of the Board
are requested to sign the attendance sheet as you enter the meeting
room. Please print your name and address on the sign in sheet,
whether you wish to publicly address the board or not. Please see
the Attendance Protocol for more
Search County Ordinances
Jimmy Anderson

Contact Information
Office: 904.259.3613
Mobile: 904.591.2790
Rollover Picture For District Map
Commissioner Anderson was elected to office in 2010 to represent District 2. The district consists of the South Macclenny area. Commissioner Anderson also represents Baker County as a liaison on the Northeast Florida Reginal Council, Council on Aging, Recreation Advisory Board, Baker County Detention Center (BCDC), Transportation Disadvantaged Council, and the Small County Coalition.Mobile: 904.591.2790
Rollover Picture For District Map
Meeting Archive
Year of Meeting